Monday 23 March 2015

Singapore, a valuable learning!

Singapore is a nice place to visit. Although it is not a large country in the ranks of tourists' place; but I can assure, you will said 'Damn! Tired!". Immediately you will feel how jetlag you are.

Honestly, It's not my first time to visit this place but i feel what I do, everything is always new. Grateful! It seems singapore has going to be a space for me to do new things, new experience. And... I feel great! 

My first visit has been gone for so long, almost 8 to 9 years, about September 2006. It's going to be the first time for me to feel how my feeling is mixed in a jar. if that feeling is a doughnut, i'll make sure it is ready to eat. 

This place has brought me to a new life. When I hold my bachelor degree and saw how a rector move my strap gown,  it surprised me, unspoken thank for my beloved parents and family. I am proud to have them in my life. they have given me a chance to feel free, a chance to come and see how wonderful life to live. 

Finally, a success has appeared and being a part of me; elected as an outstanding student is an achievement. Standing at a podium has reminded me to be more active as this will be the benchmark for something better. This is not a matter that should be boasted. It much more better to know and aware that vanity is a folly which bring you to a darkness of life. A sense of grateful never stop in my life.

The second time I visit Singapore is few days ago, I enjoy my whole trip. Jetstar has being my vehicle which brought me to fly that time. I have a pleasant flight with one of my best friend, Mimi Merlin and of course I am accompanied by a pleasant friend over there, Welly. Both of them are looks like sisters for me. I hope our friendship will long last forever.

My second visit is also gonna be new experience for me. How come? yes! It is going to be a chance for me to try my luck. Even though I know luck is something that is not definite. Yeap, I am feel happy. I can met with Mr. Lam, Mr. Jayson, Ms. Nelly and of course my friend Liviana. They are such a great people. Specially Mr Lam, I can see how powerful he do encourage spirit of their team. Such a good leader, I think. Both of them are open minded. Thank you for anything. Whatever the result is, I felt happy to meet you both and I will think of your suggestion for me to continue my degree.

End point of Singapore is the airport. I met with friendly staff of Jetstar while check in over there and it kinda funny. May be I am a little bit stupid with an English ; so we have gotten misunderstanding of a word. It's really fool! When I told the staff to put sticker of "Fragile" on my luggage and tell her to be careful because of snack inside; she is shocked! Suddenly she stopped to do anything. When I asked why, obviously she supposed it to be snake. We laugh and I said no... It snack instead of snake! =)) it is truly damn crazy! 

I hope my best friend enjoy this flight too. Thank you for anything, thank you for your willing to accompany me and sitting alone for some hours. I am thankful and grateful.  

- With Love -